
Your reservation needs to be accompanied by a corresponding on-line payment via either PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle.  No other payment types are being offered.  If you cannot pay either way, we suggest you ask a friend or relative help you obtain your reservations.  

All reservations are final.  Refunds will only be made if you have an emergency that causes you not to be able to attend the Conference, i.e., sickness.  These refunds will be handled on a case-by-case basis and we reserve the right to determine if the reason qualifies as an emergency.

If you feel you qualify for a refund, please email us the request with your explanation.  Any refund issued 60 days after the original date of the payments made will include a 5% transaction fee, otherwise the full amount will be refunded when approved.  

Thank you,

The WithStanding Wokeism Team