The Agenda  - Make Reservation or Live Stream

 7:30:  Doors open for check-in by last name
 8:15:  Praise and Worship Music - Scott Camden
 9:00:  Welcome
 9:10:  Talk 1 Noelle Mering - "The Social"  Aspects
10:00:  Break
10:15:  Talk 2 - Dr. Stacy Trasancos - "The Scientific" Aspects
11:05:  Break
11:20:  Talk 3 Paul Jonna - "The Legal" Aspects
12:05:  Lunch (bring  your own or purchase with reservation)
12:15 - 1:15  Adoration (no food in church)
 1:20:  Praise and Worship Music - Scott Camden
 1:35:  Talk Fr. Anthony Saroki - "The Spiritual" A Catholic Response
 2:20:  Break
 2:35:  Panel Discussion, fill out a card with your question 
 4:05:  Praise and Worship Music - conference ends
 5:30:  All are welcome to stay for the Vigil Mass
Make Reservations or Live Stream